A Fine Madness--the Mental Illness Posts
[Full list of posts below the fold]
I write about my mental illness to combat what we mental health clients call "the stigma", the nameless fear and horror projected on us by the outside world. We are not moral lepers. We are not lazy loafers. We are not, by and large, dangerous to the ordinary people around us.
We are simply mentally ill, usually under incredibly strong psychotropic medication, and struggling for what is known as Recovery. This is the capacity to play a functional role in ordinary society. Recovery is never a given. It must be worked for, and your strength must be husbanded to sustain it. Recovery is also not a "cure" and relapse into non-functionality is an ever present possibility. Relapses have triggers, which you must learn to avoid.
Below are the links, updated periodically, to my mental illness posts. They are a testimony to the fact that you don't come out of mental illness by the same door you went in. When you encounter us, please try to remember this about us, if nothing else.
The Whispering Of The Darkness Gets Louder.
A Whisper Of The Darkness
So Why Did Downtown Columbus Smell Like A Box Of Fresh Doughnuts?
My Enemy, The Stigma
Under The Gun Of The Mind
This July Was A Very Long Time Ago
And Now For Something Completely Different
Everything Ordinary in the World Began to Strike Me as Screamingly Funny
The Encounter with True Silence
The Characters In My Travels
The Reality of Mental Illness And The War Against The Poor
Thank you.I hope I can improve through learning this respect. But overall, it's very nice. Thank you for your share!
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